Company Donations

Company Donations

Company Donations can give your
Fundraising a real boost!

Businesses make donations to community organisations for lots of different reasons. It is often in their business interest to do so. The more they can see making a contribution as a business opportunity the more they are likely to do so......Or to consider other ways of working with you.

Companies may choose to be involved with your organisation because -

  • They like to be viewed as good citizens.
  • Being associated with certain causes can boost their image within their target markets.
  • There might be Public Relations opportunities to be had.
  • Their employees want them to. Company involvement in good causes can aid staff satisfaction, recruitment and retention.

All companies are however most interested in their bottom line. Working with you must deliver some benefit. Trying to understand things from a company's viewpoint is an important part of seeking a company donation.

Company Donations To Charity

Many company contributions are not actually cash gifts. In fact this type of donation is rare and many other forms of partnership working are far more common and actually more useful to your organisation.

This might include-

  • Agreeing to their staff undertaking fundraising on your behalf.
  • Offering business advice or services for free.
  • Allowing staff "volunteering time" for your organisation.
  • Donating second hand equipment or goods.
  • Use of their premises or resources.
  • Having their senior staff serve on your governing body adding business expertise and opening doors to new contacts and opportunities.

Nearly all company donations of whatever kind are made either locally in the community in which they are operating, or to organisations working within the same area of interest such as a surf-wear company supporting beach clean up campaigners.

As with all successful fundraising great communication is vital. The trick is telling a good story that will work well with a company and interest their customers and employees.

The other thing that can make a real difference is getting the right person on board. Personal contacts within an organisation can work wonders. Use your contacts all you can but if they put themselves out on your behalf make sure you also deliver your side of the bargain.

Always remember if you are working with a business try to think like that business.

Make sure it is a win - win for everyone.

Company Giving

Telling the story of your organisation.

Writing great fundraising letters.

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