A Fundraising Tea Towel
Is Always Popular

Grandma's favourite
The fundraising tea towel!

Creating a charity tea towel is a tried and tested way of bringing in money for any organisation. In particular school tea towels are very popular and can be found in many a doting Grandma's kitchen.

The basic idea

An organisation supplies images, designs or text to a company who specialize in printing items such as this. There are a great number of these so shop around to get the best deal.

An agreed quantity are then produced and sold to supporters of that group.

The idea is easy and straightforward. Costs and likely profits can be worked out in advance.

Do be realistic however about how many you are likely to sell. The appeal of your tea towel is likely limited to those connected to your organisation or its supporters.

School tea towels

It is usual to feature artwork produced by the pupils themselves. A common idea is for a picture of a particular class with small self portraits of every class member. Other schools organize an annual competition to find the best picture for that year's offering.

The finished goods are generally purchased by family and friends, and so, in most cases, a certain number of sales are guaranteed.

Church tea towels

Churches tend to use any images that they think will be popular. Sometimes this is a picture of the church or its congregation. These can be printed from either drawings or a good quality photograph.

Some churches prefer to use messages from the scriptures. Another novel fundraising idea would be to use the lyrics from hymns etc. This idea would lend itself well to producing not just one item but a set.

The towels are sold to both members of the congregation and visitors to that church. They can also be sold at pretty much any other event that takes place.

Fundraising tea towels are an easy win.......................
They make doing the washing up just that little bit better too!

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