by Fiona Green
(Ashbourne, Derbyshire)
For five years I have produced a cartoon calendar with a Christian theme using my cartoon sheep One Small Flock. With help from other church members the project has raised over £1000 for education projects in north east India and this year the funds raised went to Christian Aid's Burkina Faso appeal. The cartoons all have a Christian theme so it also gets a Christian message onto walls for a whole year. It's outreach on two levels - the fundraising and the message!So a bit of woolly thinking has actually proved to be a good thing!
This is a great idea and we love the way that a simple idea has built up over time. Check out the One Small Flock facebook page. Something that comes across in all of this is a delight in laughing at ourselves - the perfect antidote to a world that can seem so full of problems. If it helps raise money for good causes at the same time so much the better.
The basic idea can be applied to all sorts of good causes.
Great work Fiona and thank you for sharing - or should that be shearing? :)